Alfred 23 Harth,Hans Joachim Irmler,Günter Müller - Taste Tribes

Alfred 23 Harth - reeds, kaosspad
Hans Joachim Irmler - organ
Günter Müller - iPods, electronics

1. Genuine Imitation
2. Servicing the Target
3. Weasel Worlds
4. Doubletwist
5. Eruptove Obfuscation

The last time Harth and Müller met was in 1987 as part of a quintet at the Festival Willisau, including Andres Bosshard, Phil Minton and Sonny Sharrock. Exactly 20 years later, Alfred Harth, now based in Seoul, South Korea, asked Günter Müller to do some recordings on a visit to Switzerland while traveling in Germany and Italy. Several days before, Harth recorded with Hans Joachim Irmler from the famous group 'Faust' as a duo. Back at his studio in Seoul, Harth mixed these two duos into a fascinating work. This CD is released as a virtual trio including samples from Kawabata Makoto and Conrad Schnitzler's Eruption before its world premier as a live trio 'Taste Tribe' in December 2008.
Shadows of freely improvised reeds are carefully woven into a sound carpet of kosmic grooving kuriers.

Mixed & mastered by A23H at LaubhuetteStudio Moonsun, Korea 2008
Production and artwork by A23H & Günther Müller
CD 1970